

feb 05

Nuovo video per i dEUS

Il regista Saman Keshavarz ci racconta come gli è arrivata l’ispirazione per il video di Ghost: “I had the idea from Facebook post about Jesus riding a skate board.  Somebody posed a thought: “What if Jesus’ skated?” Then I asked people on Twitter & Facebook…”what would you like to see Jesus do if he were a skater?”  People’s responses were very different than I thought.  Instead of skating tricks…they told me things that they thought he should do…the only one I really took was: “Jesus should eat a big fucking hot dog!”. Obviously with the band’s title being dEUS, I thought the idea had something there…but it wasn’t really until I heard the song that I realized it was a duality piece.  Half good / Half bad.  I wanted to do a complete tonal shift, just like the song.  The idea that things start fun & simple and then become more elaborate and hurtful struck me as interesting.  The song does this 180 degree emotion pretty well.  There is no interest to re-explore the thematic qualities of religion, Christianity or Jesus himself.  I just like to pose the thought for a mere 5 minutes that if Jesus was a homie just like the rest of us living in a not so pretty world of 2012, I’m sure he’d smoke a few joints.  This is not coming from a non-smoker I’d like to ad. After a few concepting sessions with my execs  and my co-writer (Nate Eggert), I had a solid story to run with and that was that. I’d like to add that I inspired to a sort of filmic child that only the coitus of Spike Jonze & Gus Van Sant could create.  Not sure it’s half as good, but I tried and I hope people like (and dislike) it.”

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